Chronically Low Levels of Magnesium Could Lead to Major Health Problems: 5 Signs That Indicate You May Have a Magnesium Deficiency

  • By Meredith Schneider
  • May 26
Chronically Low Levels of Magnesium Could Lead to Major Health Problems: 5 Signs That Indicate You May Have a Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is one of a host of organic minerals that contribute directly to the body’s main functioning.

While magnesium deficiency doesn’t always cause symptoms, chronic deficiency could betray your body in big ways.

Here are some indicators that you may need more magnesium in your diet.

A strong anti-inflammatory to have in your arsenal is magnesium. It can be found naturally in whole grains, dark green vegetables, dried beans and legumes, seeds and nuts (pumpkin, almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc.), and in fruits like cantaloupes, bananas, figs, avocados, and grapefruit. It is integral to the regulated – and efficient – functioning of the human body. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, “Magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body.” These reactions include blood glucose control, energy production, blood pressure regulation, protein synthesis, and muscle and nerve function, among a myriad of others.

That’s a lot of responsibility that lands on a single supplement! And yet, many health practitioners simply don’t focus on the importance of magnesium. In fact, many people don’t recognize a magnesium deficiency until they are wildly affected by it. Since symptoms rarely occur outside of severe deficiency and they can be difficult to pinpoint.

Loss of Appetite

Can’t seem to get hungry around the same times you usually do? Leaving more on your plate at the end of a meal than intended on a regular basis? A key symptom of magnesium deficiency is a loss of appetite. But, this symptom can occur as a result of many things, and often goes unnoticed.


In many magnesium deficient patients, nausea and vomiting comes after a loss of appetite. Since these types of symptoms are normally associated with the food we eat and the regulation of consumption, experiencing them when you have been inclined to eat less could be your first actual warning sign.


Since magnesium is associated with energy production, sleepiness is a surefire sign that something could be amiss. Newly acquired fatigue that occurs when no major changes in routine are introduced could be one of your first markers of magnesium deficiency. If you find yourself feeling weaker than normal, unable to complete workouts at your regular pace or strength, or are feeling jet lagged even with the recommended amount of sleep, it may be time to ask your doctor about a potential deficiency.

Cramps and spasms

Magnesium plays an important role in bringing your muscles to a relaxed state after movement, especially workouts. Many people note muscle cramps and spasms as common symptoms of a deficiency, and they are important to pay attention to. Supplementing with magnesium can help relieve these symptoms, and reduce any muscular twitching that may be occurring. We also recommend an epsom salt soak to help relieve any tension in your muscles, especially after a good sweat sesh.

Bone pain

Magnesium contributes to the structural development of bone and is required for the synthesis of DNA, RNA, and antioxidants like glutathione. If you are experiencing pain in your bones and joints, you may want to up your intake of magnesium. Loss of bone density is a big factor when it comes to magnesium levels, and it could lead to osteoporosis and bone fractures, among other long-term issues. Deficiency in younger people – particularly children – could prevent bone growth, so ensuring they have enough magnesium occurring naturally in their bodies is important.

Low levels of magnesium can lead to chronic inflammation pretty quickly, causing additional signs of aging, obesity and other aforementioned diseases. Incorporating a magnesium supplement can reduce the markers of inflammation in older adults, overweight people and those with prediabetes. The good news is that supplementing with magnesium has truly never been easier.

Two of our favorites include:

biOptimizers – Magnesium Breakthrough

BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough is the only supplement on the market to offer the full spectrum of all seven types of magnesium specially formulated to reach every tissue in your body to provide maximum health benefits and reverses low levels which could be causing health issues.


Double Wood Magnesium Chloride

Magnesium Chloride supports relaxation and promotes healthy stress levels. Studies have shown Magnesium Chloride supports healthy cell, nerve, muscle, and heart function. Also helps to promote a calm state of mind, making it helpful for falling asleep.

People who are most susceptible to a magnesium deficiency include those with parathyroid disorders and hyperaldosteronism, pregnant women and those who are lactating, people who have recently been hospitalized, those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, and those taking antibiotics and other medications. If you have had a bad bout with diarrhea or excessive urination recently, there is a chance your magnesium levels are low. Like every mineral and nutrient found naturally in the human body, magnesium tends to decrease as you age.

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.